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Photo and Video > Backcountry Pyrenees in Video

Backcountry Pyrenees Mountain Bike Holiday | Onboard Videos

This autumn we have been flat out running our Backcountry Pyrenees trips. We were lucky to have Brian Kennedy, a you tube guru from America over to ride with us and he created a series of videos of his trip. That´s Brian riding above, giving it fast and loose on a fantastic new trail for this year, simply called “Brown Bread”. Brian has created plenty of biking videos from his holiday, one for each day at least, along with a video talking specifically about the holiday. Have a look and if you enjoy them then head over to Brian´s youtube channel and hit “subscribe”!


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This entry was posted Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 at 7:52 am and is classified as Photo and Video.

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