Mountain biking in the Basque Country, and indeed northern Spain in general, is developing quickly and it feels like we are at the start of something new. It is more and more common to see other people riding the same style of All Mountain / Enduro / Real Mountain biking as we do and there are more and more tracks appearing on the mountains. It´s an exciting time to be a part of the mountain bike scene here. It feels like the government is a few years behind the actual scene though and we still don´t have marked routes or trail building strategies and it seems like the government still has to waken up to the possibilities offered my mountain bike tourism. One symptom of the increase in awareness of mountain biking was when basqueMTB were asked by the San Sebastian mountaineering club, the biggest in Spain, to do a photo exhibition and talk this year. We presented a video to show where we ride, (and eat), and also upstairs had an exhibition with around 20 large photos, my Orbea Rallon on display, a mannequin showing how we dress, a pack from Osprey showing what we carry each day and some of the press clippings we have gathered over time. Read on to see the video and photos and hear how it went.
Around 50-60 people turned up for the opening night, from a wide range of backgrounds. We talked a bit about where mountain biking is now, how the progress in the Basque Country compares to other places in the Pyrenees and the world in general and we fielded lots of questions. People asked about lots of things, including where we rode, what the bikes were like, did nobody hurt themselves and also there was some concern about erosion and bikes going too fast and hitting people. I think that everyone left with a better understanding of what we do and how we try to avoid any potential problems.
The Photos we showed are shown above, click on one and you can open the viewing gallery
We also talked a lot about basqueMTB, where we have come from, what we do and what we bring to the area. People were very interested to hear about how we use local guides, local accommodation, local restaurants and how we bring people from almost every country in the world here. Yes, really people come from Australia for a fortnight of biking! People were also interested to hear how we were all out cleaning and maintaining routes in the mountains throughout the year, routes that they all use and take for granted. The reaction was overwhelmingly positive. Even when I (Doug) had to speak in Spanish for 10 minutes… I think everyone understood, at least as much as people do in English when I get passionate about a subject. It felt like a great opportunity for us to meet and talk to people from different backgrounds and thanks to everyone (Jorge especially) who made it happen. Thanks to Orbea, Osprey and Mavic for providing the display equipment too. The exhibition will run until late June so get along and have a look if you are in the area!
Want to finish your ride in San Sebastain?
Check out our Basque Coast mountain bike holiday
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