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Reviews > Osprey Packs Review: What´s In Our Backpacks?

It´s a question we get a lot; “what do you carry in your backpacks and what hydration pack do you use?” The answer to the second question is easy, we choose to use Osprey packs and at the moment we are using the Osprey Zealot 16 packs. In the main article I will go through a few of the features and why I think that they are so good. The answer to the first questions is, “almost everything we need!” Read on to have a look at what inside our Osprey backpacks when we are guiding our mountain bike holidays.

Osprey Zealot Pack review: Why Osprey?

Here are a few of the reasons we ride with Osprey packs.

1. They are comfortable.

Wide and well padded straps with lots of adjustments keep the pack sitting well on your shoulders and allow you to spread the weight well. Our packs are almost 10kg normally so this is really essential.

2. They last.

The Osprey packs just keep on going and going. I´m sure they´d get more sales if they made their packs wear out sooner! Ours have a hard life, stuffed full and thrown in and out of the van several times each day. The only thing which is worn on mine is the webbed side pockets which have a rip from where I caught them on a branch. Every now and then I pass mine through the washing machine and it comes out looking great again.

3. Well thought out storage.

Lots of well thought out compartments and pockets to keep almost everything in. The tool roll in the lower section of the pack which keeps the weight low is fantastic. I don´t know why so many packs have the heavy tools stored so high up, it´s a criticism I had, and passed on to Osprey, from their last generation of packs but the Raptor packs now have that fixed. The flap on the newer packs also is perfect so that you can carry more than the 16 litres of internal storage. This is also something that is much improved from the last generation of packs. The helmet clip is fantastic too and is great for us to keep our packs and helmets together in the van.

4. Fit.

Apart from being comfortable the packs sit really well on the back. The seem to be a good width and depth and hardly move about even when they are really full. Having the weight stored lower down undoubtably helps this.

Osprey Zealot Pack review: What our guides carry on every mountain bike holiday

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This entry was posted Wednesday, May 27th, 2015 at 11:11 am and is classified as Reviews.

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